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HomeNewsNews of European unionSocialists and Democrats strongly support the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU

Socialists and Democrats strongly support the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU


Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament issue a strong call for renewed EU commitment to the Western Balkan enlargement process.

At a meeting in Trieste in Italy with parliamentarians from Western Balkan social democratic parties, President of the S&D Group Hannes Swoboda said:

“Ten years after the historic Thessaloniki summit, we must restore the political momentum behind enlargement in the Western Balkans. The EU project itself needs a re-launch – a new dose of political vitality and imaginative leadership to restore growth. And so does enlargement for it is an integral part of a progressive European vision.

„As European socialists we will continue to fight for enlargement, even in today’s difficult times.“ „The enlargement must be a decent and fair process: the EU demands a lot from the candidate and aspirant countries, but that is only to the benefit of their citizens. That being said, the EU must also honor the commitment it made.”

Libor Rouček, S&D Vice-President and rapporteur on Croatia, said: “Croatia’s accession in July 2013 sends a message to other countries that EU integration is not some abstract notion, but a real perspective, a process that modernises institutions and economies, and improves the lives of ordinary people. The Croatian case also shows that domestic consensus on EU accession and reforms – among political parties but also within the society as a whole – is a vital precondition for success.”

Kristian Vigenin, S&D Member and EP rapporteur on the new Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for the period 2014 – 2020, underlined that the European Parliament will be able to include a number of issues which are high on the social democratic agenda, such as the fight against poverty, quality job creation, the strengthening of social dialogue, protection of minorities, empowerment of women etc.

Vigenin also stressed that it is the responsibility of the social democratic parties in South East Europe to create an environment in which countries help and support each others' EU integration and do not block it. "The right wing parties proved unable to achieve this," Vigenin added.

Tanja Fajon, S&D Member and rapporteur on visa liberalisation, emphasised the importance of maintaining free travel to the Schengen area for the citizens of the Western Balkans: “We must ensure that it will never be jeopardised. Visa liberalisation was one of the most important and tangible steps on these countries' path to the EU. Any re-introduction of visas for one or more countries will be a big blow to the integration process. The EU should act in a responsible and credible way.”

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